This fun game asks players to say whether there are more cupcakes than monsters! The bright colorful graphics make this an appealing and funny game to play. In this game players are racing against the clock to see how many they can get right in one minute!
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The Secret to Learning is Regular Practice
This game is designed to help youngsters identify quantities, understand the concept of more or less and to develop subitizing skills (where we look at a number of objects and can tell the number without counting each one individually).
We have designed this game so the same question is asked each time, making this a good game for youngsters just beginning to learn about more or less comparisons.

You will see in this game the objects are randomly positioned each time and different cupcake and monster graphics are displayed, making this a fun and engaging game which can be played repeatedly.
Tips for playing this more or less game:
- The number of objects displayed vary from 1 – 10, therefore some combinations will be easier than others. Comparing 2 to 10, for example will be easier than comparing 9 to 10. Encourage young ones to think about when they need to count to tell the difference and when they can recognize the difference by appearance.
- This is a race against the clock! Try to beat your previous score.
- Follow the game with some real world examples, for example identifying comparing whether there are more or less of specific types of objects around the house.